We All Have Choices

Did you read about Sofi’s choice? No, not the book Sophie’s Choice but about the 3-year-old girl with a heart condition being asked by the Border Patrol to make a choice as to which parent will proceed into the US with her.

Folks, we are not in fiction anymore – we’ve leapt from fiction to reality.

The book was about a mother’s secret shame of being forced by a WWII SS guard to choose which child will remain with her and which child will go to the gas chambers.

And now we have real live horrors playing out in our lifetime. No, we are not sending people to gas chambers and we are not sending people to their death. But we are separating children from their parents, caging children, and not providing enough care that some children have died. We are slowly moving towards Nazi type atrocities.

And the silence from the evangelicals is deafening.

And those chants…

“Send her back”

This is where we are folks.

The winds of history are blowing.

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