Well, Oklahomans did the smart thing

Well, I never thought that the people in Oklahoma would have some sense to stay home. It’s good to know that they decided to take the precautionary route and stay home rather than risk catching coronavirus in a crowded arena. At least, that is my hopeful, wishful thinking. I know there’s been news about teenagers and K-pop fans ordering thousands of free tickets with no intention of attending, but to have a million people attend means at least 494,000 people reserved 2 free tickets and that is a little hard for me to believe. It’s possible though.

But I think it’s more likely that a mixture of real Trump supporters, mischievous teenagers, K-pop fans and real protesting teenagers signed up for tickets. The question is: what is the proportional breakout of those four categories that I have thus far identified? I have no idea.

Who are the K-pop fans? Are they US citizens or are they mostly foreigners interfering with Trump’s campaign? I haven’t figured out that piece yet. But just imagine more foreigners interfering with our country’s affairs in many different ways. This whole event will inspire copycats in the future.

I’m sure there were teenagers who were purposefully disrupting the campaign’s effort as a way to protest and to express their displeasure at the direction of our country, but I also think they were some mischievous teenagers who thought it would be funny to troll, because they are still immature and I imagine this kind of thing would appeal to them.

As best as I can tell, the campaign began online sign up for the Tulsa rally either on or before June 11 and looking at my charts, June 11 is just before the steady rise in infection cases. So, it’s plausible that quite a few people signed up for the rally but as the infection rates kept on rising and rising and rising, they decided to err on caution and stay home.

Which would be good news to me. That would mean rational thinking has come into play and that the Oklahoman supporters just don’t blindly follow Trump. I’m hoping that they are starting to wonder if he really cares about them.

Now, they could have stayed home because of the George Floyd protests. Maybe they wanted to stay away from the site of the infamous massacre. That’s a possibility. That’s still good news because that means they are aware of the inflammatory nature of the rally near the place of the massacre during the weekend of Juneteenth. That optic is just all around bad.

But the 6200 that attended? That is still 6200 too many. Those people could still bring virus to their homes and communities and add to the raging spread that is occurring.

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