What if…

Do you remember when last summer, our President held up a “doctored” map of Hurricane Dorian with a Sharpie marker circling a tiny portion of Alabama projected to be impacted by the hurricane? He held a press conference showing that map a few days after he had tweeted that Alabama was going to be impacted, even though by the time of that tweet, the weather forecasters were depicting the hurricane to either run up the coast of Florida or veer away from Florida.

So now replace that with the coronavirus.

What if, after saying everything is going to be alright (I don’t know if the administration is specifically saying that at this time) and we are taking all kinds of precautions, a cluster of infections starts to pop up somewhere. Will he hold a conference to tell us the latest news of possible infections or will he continue the story that everything is fine?

We apparently have a man who can’t admit he’s wrong or at least figure out a way to tap dance out of admitting he’s wrong. He can’t graciously say, “You know what? I was wrong, we now have a serious case of (fill in the blank of whatever correction has to be made).”

So, hold that in mind as we proceed through the rest of the year and try to decide who our President should be in 2021. Our very life could depend upon it. This is beyond economic security; it’s our lives.

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