2024 Hurricane Season is almost here!

So… I haven’t been posting here lately due to my internet access being down. There is something wrong with my line and possibly something else. I’m back on but the service is very intermittent, so I will see how much of the post I can get in.

This will be a very short post.

Pretty soon, we will be facing a new hurricane season. Last season we had the La Nina and we endured a heat dome over us for many months. It was very hard on my infrastructure and thus on me.

It looks like this year the El Nino will come back along with a higher preponderance of hurricanes. I’m not looking forward to that. As a matter of fact, an article said something along the lines of “Explosive Texas season”. I’m looking at the article and it says “Texas faces an explosive 2024 hurricane season.” Like, that’s a problem I need.

I guess we’re having a higher-than-normal hurricane season.

On top of worrying about the weather, we will be in the midst of the election insanity. I’m not looking forward to that either. We’ll be going through court trials and the election campaign which is predicted to be very ugly. There are discussions of the possibility of poll vigilantism and violence and suppression.

Oh, and on top of all of that, the war in the Middle East appears to be heating up with Iran now “dropping its mask” and actually attacking Israel.

What is it with people? Everyone wants to have war.

2024 is going to be one mighty ugly year.

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