3 Books I’m Reading Now

Right now, I’m reading 3 books which I’m reading sporadically because there are 3 of them as well as because I’m trying to do other stuff. I think I will introduce them in this post with my fuller thought in later posts so that this post won’t end up being very long. I’d rather keep reading on the web to a minimum although every once in a while, I do end up writing a bit more than usual.

So, here are the 3 books I’m reading:

Top Dog by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman is a fascinating read on competition and on who wins and who loses. This book I just finished and I want quickly note the intriguing research before I forget because the findings provide food for thought and could help me navigate the future. I love reading about these kinds of research.

Lab Rats by Dan Lyons is taking me a while to read because it just makes me mad. The book talks about how businesses, especially tech businesses, are making our work lives worse and it. Just. Makes. Me. Mad. It touches on some stuff that I’ve been thinking so my post on book will probably be a long one. I haven’t finished this book yet because every once in a while, I just have to lay the book down.

The final book is Algorithms for Dummies by John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron. This book is going to take me a while so I won’t do a post on it, at least not over the next few days, because I have to first learn the materials in the book. This book uses Python so I will be learning Python as well as algorithms. The only problem is the book has said Windows 10 does not work well with Python! So, I kind of stopped because I have to gird myself to figuring out what to do; I really don’t want to mess up my machine if Windows 10 and Python do not play well together. I’m kind of procrastinating on this one.

Thoughts on Coronavirus

Okay, lately I’ve been posting my reactions on some coronavirus news and it looks like I will continue to do so. The latest news is a church in my hometown that wants to ignore the stay at home orders and perform church services on Sundays. The pastor has already done one last Sunday where 100 people attended.

Why can’t he perform the service on-line like most pastors around the US?

Why can’t he do a drive-up kind of service, like drive-up theaters, where people drive up in the cars, park in some parking space, keep their windows close and the pastor preaches from a stage-like arena, using microphones to project out his sermons?

I looked up this church and it sounds like it is one of those evangelical churches: its website talked about born again Christians. So, evangelicals again.

I believe there are some pastors in my town suing our judge for imposing stay at home orders and designating churches as non-essential. They want their religious freedom and the freedom to congregate.

But with those freedoms there is a responsibility to the community. Right now, congregating spreads the virus so the pastors have to get creative and figure out other ways to provide spiritual support. Most pastors are doing the right thing; it’s just the minority of those evangelicals who don’t appear to care about others. They don’t come across as Christian; they come across as selfish.

So that’s my rant for today. I’m sure I’ll have another one in the next post.

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