Small Data

Small Data

There are a lot of business books and articles about analytics and big data. It’s the newest “in” thing in the business world. Typically these books and articles warn about being aware of the false correlations that would lead you to think there is a real relationship. But what if there really is not a…

Future of Education

Future of Education

I’m still reading the book Future Smart and I’m reading chapter “Chapter 13: Reinventing Education – the Future of Learning”. He does the usual lamenting of the dire state of education and how it is not preparing children for the new technological future. He forecasts a future of nations falling behind and its people mired…

The Brave New Future

The Brave New Future

I am reading a book right now which is taking a while because I am reading maybe 3 other books at the same time and I have been busy with other stuff. This book is about the future: Future Smart. I’ve mentioned this book before, possibly twice before and I probably will mention it a…

The Scary Future

The Scary Future

I’m reading at least 4 books right now, only one of which is fiction. My problem is I just don’t have time and there are so many interesting things to do. Anyway, I have mentioned Future Smart before in conjunction with the author’s envisioned future for money. But the author also talks about –  surprise,…

Book about the Creative Class

Book about the Creative Class

I admit that when I think about creative people, I think about artists, writers, musicians, actors, etc. But if you think about it, there are another set of people such as scientists, entrepreneurs, and programmers who invent things or build businesses. The author of this book includes both the artsy types and the scientific/mathematical types…