Still Working on ACA Reporting

Still Working on the ACA

I’m still working on the ACA report but it looks like we have about 80% of the data locked down. The other 20% appears to have data that doesn’t make sense when you compare various pieces of the data (hire date, term date, date coverage began, date ended, paycheck dates). The HR VP is now…

Ran Into A Wall
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Ran into a Wall (on the road to ACA reporting)

I was so giddy with possible success that it was a shocking upset to see it fail. Was I going to have to start all over? [ap_divider color=”#CCCCCC” style=”double” thickness=”1px” width=”100%” mar_top=”20px” mar_bot=”20px”] A couple of days ago I was working on creating a form in Word that looked like the IRS 1095-C form for mail…

ACA Reporting

ACA Reporting

I am working on an ACA reporting project for a medium (?) sized company (the company probably has about 2000 employees – small to me) which under the terms of the IRS is considered an ALE (applicable large employer).I’m just learning the lingo and the details about reporting healthcare. For me, the language is kind of…