Two Different Lives

Two Different Lives

This post is connected to the following post: Capitalism Disrupted.[ap_divider color=”#CCCCCC” style=”double” thickness=”3px” width=”100%” mar_top=”20px” mar_bot=”20px”] [Don’t know how long my Microsoft Internet connection will last. Yesterday I could not do a post because I could not upload a picture. That’s part of the fun with this blog – posting pictures. I also couldn’t update…

Pop: India vs US

India versus US

A thought popped into my mind as I wondered how the economy will develop under the onslaught of digitization and automation. I thought about the massive unemployment and the ensuing poverty that could come out of that. What does that mean for the future progress of mankind? When I think about inequality on such immense…

Coffee Capitalism?

Coffee Communities

This post is connected to the following post: Capitalism Disrupted.[ap_divider color=”#CCCCCC” style=”double” thickness=”3px” width=”100%” mar_top=”20px” mar_bot=”20px”] “Hey, our guy David, he’s back from his sales trip. We’re going to meet at Starbuck””Okay, I’ll be heading over. I hope he got something good.””Yeah, we need something ever since GE decided to leave our town. After promising…

Capitalism Cracking

Capitalism Disrupted

Wikipedia defines capitalism as: ” Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.[1][2][3] Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets.[4][5] In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investment is determined by the…

Being Different

Show How You Are Different

There is a lot of interest in being creative or innovative. Companies are looking for ways to gain an edge.  Standardization and the manufacturing method no longer works (most manufacturing are done overseas anyway). It’s no longer about getting a marketing edge – there is too much noise. Cost cutting ends up being a race to…


Just Nasty

Boy, this election is just nasty! All of the name calling and threats of underlying violence from the Trump side and the implied characterization of dishonesty on the Clinton side is making this campaign season downright ugly. The latest news is of the FBI Director sending a letter to Congress to inform them of the…