On Being Productive

On Being Productive

Ha! Right now, it’s hard to be productive with the world crisis we’re in. I’m trying to stay away from the news since it’s predominantly frightening. But I still have to keep up to know what is our latest knowledge about this crisis. There are a couple of things I had hoped to start doing…

Making America Great

Making America Great

If you want to make America great, the greatness has to come from inside each and every one of us. Each of us has a responsibility to do things that strengthens our country. First, we have to vote in the right people, people who have the character, the integrity, the capability to understand how the…

Black Swan

Black Swan

I don’t want to write about what we’re going through right now because it’s just too frightening. I just want to try to talk about after we get on the other side because the world will get to the other side, somehow. I want to put out some ideas of what I think might change…

Oh, s**t.

Oh, s**t.

Okay, I gotta admit, I’m terribly anxious and scared. The world has become a very, very dark place. The weekend before the hacking of my website, I wrote a post that posed a: “what if” after the President says that everything is going to be alright, clusters of infections pop up. I think we’re starting…



Okay, it was hacked. Yes, my site was hacked so I spent some time getting it fixed. When I first started doing this website, it was for educational purposes and it still is for educational purposes. I figured that someday I was going to have to deal with a hacked site and the day came…