Green with envy

Two Beautiful Sites

Since I have been sick and non-productive for the last week and my last post was a long one, today I’m going to write a shorter post about something different: two beautiful websites that I’m envious. The sites either contain beautiful images or thoughtful and substantial writings. The substantialness of those sites makes me ask…

Climate change: again

Climate Change 3

I just don’t get the climate change deniers. The latest fires, on top of the two hurricanes over the summer (Florence and Michael) with their devastating floods and winds, just scream that there is something wrong with the climate. They can no longer say that “there is nothing to see here”. Southeast Asia, China and…

Quotes from Einstein

Quote from Einstein

“Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.” Albert Einstein An interesting sentiment coming from one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. But then Elon Musk and Bill Gates have also expressed some reservations about technology. And recently, it looks like Silicon Valley may regard excessive screen time…

Thanksgiving Message 2018

Thanksgiving Message

At work I received a beautiful Thanksgiving message that I think straddles the left-right divide on immigration. The author expresses thankfulness that we have it good in America and that we don’t have to immigrate in search of food, shelter or safety. Let’s hope it stays that way. In case the image looks grainy on…