What Have We Become? - Children behind chain link fences

What Have We Become?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. I believe we have reached the inflection point of a Shakeout: either you are against the separation of children from…

Evangelicals' Bargain

Evangelicals’ Bargain

When a young child gets in serious trouble, he is sent to juvenile court and any youthful misdeeds are sealed to give him a chance to change his ways. But once he attains adulthood and if he continues to break the law, he forgoes the forgiveness and must pay his debt to society. And any…

The Tragedy, The Pain

The Tragedy, The Pain

Earlier in the week, I read the Times magazine on the opioid crisis. This is so distressing. And then I read a New York Times article about a town where young people are just committing suicides. There is so much pain going on. And we are not even in the heart of the software/automation takeover.



Well, I’ve been sick the last few days. The first part of the week was focusing on the ACA data review and just when I was close to printing out forms, I came down sick. So this week I didn’t get any artwork done but I did do some self-education on Excel/statistics from a book….