Just whining

Just whining

This will be a petty post because I feel like whining. It seems to me that every fall I suddenly get a lot of unplanned demands on my time – things I have to do that others impose – and this week had a couple of days where I had to do other things so…

Even CEOs Question Today's Brand of Capitalism
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Some CEOs Think We Need to Reinvent Capitalism

This is fascinating…even CEOs such as Aetna’s chief are realizing that the current brand of capitalism is damaging. “But Mark Bertolini, the CEO of Aetna, recently offered another, starker rationale for creating more well-paid jobs: The survival of capitalism depends on it. “If we don’t reinvent the capitalist model,” Bertolini told the Committee for Economic…

Topic of Mastery

Topic of Mastery

[The posts this weekend will be of the lighter fare – nothing on math, data, programming or excel. I have a lot of stuff going on over the next few days so I need to get ready for them. And, in about an hour and half, Microsoft will finish updating my machine with a major…