Tech Backlash - Fast Company

The Tech Backlash

Here’s another article from Fast Company, this time about the tech industry and how the industry is experiencing a backlash. There has been an onslaught of negative media, centering over these main points: regular folks’ fear of automation sweeping across the business world, bringing everlasting unemployment and destitute living, the awful bro culture, and the vast wealth…

Work In Progress

(I’m a) Work In Progress

I have nothing real to post because everything is in a state of “work in progress”. Worrying about the hurricanes cut into my productivity (what little of it anyway) – speaking of which, the latest models for Maria doesn’t look good for the Carolinas. The models seem to be shifting west again, just like Irma shifted…

Too Distracted - three storms in the Atlantic/Gulf

Too Distracted to Post

This will be a quick post because I am too distracted by the three storms sitting in the Atlantic/Caribbean/Gulf. After Hurricane Harvey, our town can’t take on more water until everything has subsided. Just to the north of me, there are some homes still flooded. Irma is not supposed to come here, so why am…