Life Long Learning

Life Long Learning

In my last post, I mentioned that five years from now, a job as a programmer may not be a good job because everything mathematical and logic related is being automated. But I forgot to mention that even though programming knowledge may not get you a good job, you will still need to learn it….

The New World of Work According to Mark Cuban

Two Stories on Automation: Bloomsberg Interview with Mark Cuban and Wired Magazine’s Graph

During the past two weeks, I have encountered 2 articles that discusses the upcoming impact of artificial intelligence on the nature of work. In particular, both negates the common wisdom of learning STEM skills to inoculate you from the impact. Right now, someone is building a machine intelligence that will be able to do scientific…

A Weird Thing Happened

A Weird Thing Happened

This will be a very quick post. Yesterday I was working on the ACA and I was googling some stuff when I started upon seeing one of my pictures in the search results. I thought “Hey, that’s my picture!”. I hovered my cursor over the picture and sure enough, the link was to this website.Hmmm,…

ACA - New Macros for 2017

New Macros for ACA

Hopefully today’s post will be a short post on some of the changes I had to make in the macro that help generate the XML file. The actual generation of the XML file is done through using the Source feature found under the Developer tab in Excel. The method hasn’t changed although the starter file…