The Inequality Discussion

The Inequality Discussion

  I read an article this morning about how companies will soon have to report wage data. The hope is to shine a light on the iniquities of our wage system and maybe even dampen the escalating salary increases of senior executives relative to their employees. However, the article brought up some good points that…

Ran Into A Wall
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Ran into a Wall (on the road to ACA reporting)

I was so giddy with possible success that it was a shocking upset to see it fail. Was I going to have to start all over? [ap_divider color=”#CCCCCC” style=”double” thickness=”1px” width=”100%” mar_top=”20px” mar_bot=”20px”] A couple of days ago I was working on creating a form in Word that looked like the IRS 1095-C form for mail…

Martin Shkreli hailed as hero?

Martin Shkreli a hero?

I read an article by Rick Newman on February 4, 2016 titled “Martin Shkreli is actually a great guy” about, of course, the most hated corporate guy in America in 2015/2016 – the pharmaceutical CEO who price gouges the patients. There was one line in the article that stood out and it went something like this:…