Searching for Time

Desperately Seeking Time

I’m struggling to find time to do all of the stuff that I want to do. Because of the coming AI invasion taking over at least 50% of the thinking/analytical/math/ computing skills, I’m trying to develop another skill. I am finding that I have now reached a point where I am getting pretty good but…

Business Retreat

Went on a retreat

I have been away for a while: I’ve been running various errands and then I had to get ready for a business retreat. Now I’m spending time recovering from the retreat and trying to get caught up. The business retreat was nice because I got to meet face to face with some of the people I…

The Scary Future

The Scary Future

I’m reading at least 4 books right now, only one of which is fiction. My problem is I just don’t have time and there are so many interesting things to do. Anyway, I have mentioned Future Smart before in conjunction with the author’s envisioned future for money. But the author also talks about –  surprise,…

Entertaining Season

Entertaining Season

This week, the Republicans will have their debate and Donald Trump will be there because he is heading the pack in the polls. I don’t know if during the polls, people pick Trump because they want to hear him in the debate because he is entertaining or they are really serious – they really want him as President….

Insane Season with Trump

The Insanity is Starting

OMG. The insane political season has started. I suspected that it was going to be crazy with 15 Republicans vying for nomination but when Trump entered the race, the craziness skyrocketed with his comments about the Mexicans. Normally, I don’t write about politics as it’s not my thing but Trump really takes the cake. Like,…


Procrastination Projects

I haven’t been posting much lately because I’ve been trying to first finish up things that I’ve been procrastinating – deal with them first before doing any post. Yesterday, I finished one of those things and have one more left. At work I’ve been trying to develop a video training of the automated work and…