Christmas Service 2018 - Food Bank

Christmas Service 2018 at Food Bank

This past Friday we did our usual Christmas Service: we worked at the Food Bank for the second year in the row. Unfortunately, Friday was a day of trials. First, on my way there, I missed the exit from the freeway and tried taking the next one to turn around but got extremely lost. Left the house an hour and half early to give myself time in case I ran into problems, and boy was that smart. Then I ran into car problems which on a freeway, high up in the air, in a strange part of town, scared me. I finally was able to get off the freeway in a better known area, check my car and then proceeded on to a car repair place with crossed fingers. When that was done, it was time to go home and when I arrived, I was so knocked out that I went to bed for a nap which ended up being a couple of hours. Later that night, after getting a second wind, I got a strange email that suggested that someone was trying to hack into one of my accounts because the email said to click on a link to go change my password. It was either someone was trying to get into my account or the email itself was a scam to capture my account id and passwords. Or, the firm was just trying to get me to change my password as a security feature. Anyway, that was disturbing.

Yes, Friday was not an uneventful day. Glad it was over.

And one other thing….

Oh, one other thing. I’ve been reading other people’s opinion on the new WordPress Gutenberg editor because, lo and behold, the new editor was distributed on Thursday. There were a few writers who were absolutely against the Gutenberg editor because it either was not working well or the writing now takes longer. Now on my site, it took a while to figure out all of the ins and out of Gutenberg and I do have to do extra things to make it work – mainly deactivate the Site Origin builder which seems to lock up my WordPress site and sometimes messes up the editor. So I have to do some additional things. I’ve been logging into my Powerpoint what to do if I want to do something – that is, if I do figure it out. And writing my post does take longer because of the blocks: it’s no longer a one shot copy and paste. I have to work on getting the format working the way I want it to. But I do see the potential for Gutenberg and suspect that over time, it will get much easier.

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