Climate Change Is Still Here

Just because we are undergoing a coronavirus pandemic doesn’t mean that climate change has paused. It’s still a threat. Soon, we will be heading into hurricane season and I am dreading it. The combination of a hurricane and an upsurge in infection rates just freaks me out. August/September through October is peak hurricane season and supposedly that’s when a surge could appear. The two together is a horrible combination. How do you save lives in a hurricane if there is an additional threat of virus infection?


This is like eenie-meenie-minee-moe (phonetic spelling!), which one do I choose?

There’s also fires to dread too. Will the Midwest suffer flooding?

How do you save people under these conditions?

Thoughts on Coronavirus

Okay, today the madness is coming from Florida. Their beaches are open and the people are flocking there! Social distancing doesn't appear to be happening there. The beaches are open because the mayors think the people will use their best judgement.

Hmmm, you will have some who will apply good judgement, but you always have some that just does not have strong discipline, does not have good judgement, are immature or are just plain nutty. You need to make orders so that those kind of people will end up doing the right thing. Our lives are dependent on everybody on doing the right thing for the community as a whole.

In our city, the mayor was going to keep the parks open over the Easter holiday which I thought was crazy because he was hoping people would practice the social distancing. But on the Thursday or Friday before the holiday weekend, he changed his mind and decided to close the parks. I think he wised up and realized that there were always going to be a few that would not follow the social distancing. He didn't say, but I think he saw that people were not following the social distancing order, and so was compelled to close everything down. That's just my guess.

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