Disinfecting Your Brain

This.Is.Embarrassing. Ingesting or injecting disinfectant? Really?

He doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

Wake up, Trump supporters, wake up!

A couple of things we have shown to the world:

  •  Our President is an idiot (well, I think the rest of the world already knew that; they don't look to us for leadership or guidance anymore).
  •  And American voters are stupid.

Wake up, Trump supporters, wake up!

Want to make America great? Then there are at least two things we have to do:

  1.  Make better choices in our government representatives and leadership.
  2.  Stop complaining about the stay-at-home orders and gather up our internal discipline to do what needs to be done to get us to the other side of the crisis.

Wake up, Trump supporters, wake up!

Complaining because you want to cut or color your hair is not being great. Complaining that you are climbing the walls from being inside so much is not being great.

Now, if you are worried about how you are going to keep a roof over your head or put food on the table, then okay, that's understandable and I completely understand that you want to keep working. You have a good reason and is the reason why I support the idea of Congress working to find solutions to get pay into your hands so you can keep a roof and feed yourself while staying at home. Even the European's method of paying companies to keep their employees hired seems like a more humane and sensible idea. It's those who are not really expressing any worries about feeding their family that I have a problem with. They are the ones who are selfish because they just want to do what they want to do instead of doing what's good for society.

If you want freedom, you have to use it in a responsible way.

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Paul Krugman thinks, or hopes, that the remaining Trump supporters' eyes will now open, just like in the aftermath of the Katrina fiasco, but I'm not so sure. Usually he is prescient about these kind of things and generally hits on the mark. But in this one, I fear that only when the Trump supporters start dying will they realize what kind of person they have supported. They will only understand or care when the virus starts hurting them personally. Right now, they don't see the virus hurting them because it has not come to the rural areas yet, so being forced to stay at home is a chore rather than a proactive stance to save their lives. It will take deaths for them to understand.

I've read recently that the virus is now starting to encroach in the rural areas. The rural areas do not have good heath infrastructure so the hospitals stand to be greatly overloaded. The virus is extremely contagious and it spreads silently before the first instance shows up, so By the time it shows up, it is probably too late; the hospitals will be overloaded and people will be dying due to lack of ICUs or ventilators or maybe even doctors. The cities may not be able to help because they are also undergoing the crisis.

So until the Trump supporters get personally impacted, I don't think they will understand the need for "stay-at-home" orders.

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I'm putting on some "imagination" or "pretend" cap, and I imagine that if I were a businessman in the future looking to start or expand a business, I would want stay out of the rural areas because I would think they don't have good judgement because they have voted and supported Trump. I would want people with sufficient intellect and judgement and right now, the folks in rural areas don't strike me as particularly good areas for finding talent. That's what this whole Trump era is telling me.

That's unfortunate because not everybody in those rural areas are Trump supporters. But I fear that will be the thinking in the future.

Wake up, Trump supporters, wake up!

Do you understand now what you've done?


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