Hurricane Season

With the start of the new school season comes a period of intense hurricane activity. I hate this time of the year. These hurricanes are just way too stressful. When I was younger, it didn’t seem like I have to worry about hurricanes every year and when one did pass our way, they were generally Category 1 or 2.

At the time, Category 3 was considered extremely scary and worrisome.

Now we regularly get Category 4 or 5. I don’t think we get 1 or 2 very much anymore. They just go straight to 3 and then on to 4 or 5.

I can’t wait for November.

And I don’t understand the Republicans’ denial of climate change. Are you kidding me? We didn’t have Cat 5’s when I was younger and now we’re in the 4th year where we have Category 5 hurricane. These are scary.

Same thing with mass shooting. We just had another mass shooting and the solution offered by one Republican was to offer prayers. Are you kidding me?

We’ve been doing praying for a while and nothing has changed! Prayers aren’t working.

What’s wrong with these people?

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