Abstract/Patterned backgrounds with words: New Macro Tricks

Macro Trick

Abstract/patterned background with words New Macro Tricks

At this point, I’ve been doing VBA programming long enough that I can “read” my codes and know a code line is supposed to be doing. More importantly, I’m starting to be able to “read” other snippets of codes, so that’s a nice accomplishment. So maybe I can call myself beginner/intermediate?

In addition, I think I’m now at a point where I can look through the debugger area and see what potentials there are. As an example I wanted to be able to create a directory list of folders and either a list of file names or, more preferably, a count of the number of files in the folders. We have a project going on at work and I wanted to be able to track the status. I’ve previously have been able to create a list of file names but not folder names, so I “googled” on using VBA to create a list of folders and came upon Chip Pearson’s solution.

The link to the particular page is here: http://www.cpearson.com/Excel/QuickTree.aspx

Here’s his code:

Sub CreateFolderTree() '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' CreateFolderTree ' By Chip Pearson, chip@cpearson.com , www.cpearson.com ' This creates a hierarchical directory listing tree. ' Requires a reference to the Scripting library (Microsoft ' Scripting Runtime). '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject 
Dim FolderName As String
Dim StartFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim SubF As Scripting.Folder
Dim F As Scripting.File
Dim R As Range
Dim Indent As Boolean
Dim FullPaths As Boolean
Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

' Prompt the user for the top level directory.
FolderName = InputBox("Enter the top folder of the directory tree")

' Get out if no file was selected.
If Trim(FolderName) = vbNullString Then
Exit Sub Else
If Dir(FolderName, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If

Set StartFolder = FSO.GetFolder(FolderName)

' Change the reference held by R to the first cell of the results tree. Set R = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

' Indent = True creates an indented list showing the hierarchical nature ' of the folders. Indent = False creates a single column list.

Indent = True

' FullPaths = True lists the fully qualified directory name. FullPaths = False ' lists the directory name only, with no path information.

FullPaths = True

' Start the process
DoOneFolder WhatFolder:=StartFolder, WriteTo:=R, Indent:=Indent, FullPaths:=FullPaths
End Sub
'============================================== '==============================================
Sub DoOneFolder(WhatFolder As Scripting.Folder, WriteTo As Range, _ Optional Indent As Boolean = False, _ Optional FullPaths As Boolean = False)

Dim SubF As Scripting.Folder
If FullPaths = True Then
WriteTo.Value = WhatFolder.Path
WriteTo.Value = WhatFolder.Name
End If

' move the target cell down one row
Set WriteTo = WriteTo(2, 1)
For Each SubF In WhatFolder.SubFolders
' For every subfolder in WhatFolder, call this
' same procedure passing it the file name. This
' recursion spans the entire directory tree.
If Indent = True Then
Set WriteTo = WriteTo(1, 2)
End If
If FullPaths = True Then
WriteTo.Value = SubF.Path
WriteTo.Value = SubF.Name
End If

' Call ourself using SubF.
DoOneFolder WhatFolder:=SubF, WriteTo:=WriteTo, Indent:=Indent, FullPaths:=FullPaths
If Indent = True Then
Set WriteTo = WriteTo(1, 0)
End If
Next SubF
End Sub

Here’s my code, altered to fit what I wanted:

Sub CreateFolderTree()
' CreateFolderTree
' By Chip Pearson, chip@cpearson.com , www.cpearson.com
' This creates a hierarchical directory listing tree.
' Requires a reference to the Scripting library (Microsoft
' Scripting Runtime).
Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim FolderName As String
Dim StartFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim SubF As Scripting.Folder
Dim F As Scripting.File
Dim R As Range
Dim Indent As Boolean
Dim FullPaths As Boolean
Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name

'Clear prior information

'Get first folder that you want tree created
FolderName = Sheets(SheetName).Range("W4")

' Get out if no file was selected.
If Trim(FolderName) = vbNullString Then
Exit Sub
If Dir(FolderName, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Set StartFolder = FSO.GetFolder(FolderName)
' Change the reference held by R to the first cell of the results tree.
Set R = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
' Indent = True creates an indented list showing the hierarchical nature
' of the folders. Indent = False creates a single column list.
Indent = True
' FullPaths = True lists the fully qualified directory name. FullPaths = False
' lists the directory name only, with no path information.
FullPaths = False
' Start the process
DoOneFolder WhatFolder:=StartFolder, WriteTo:=R, Indent:=Indent, FullPaths:=FullPaths
End Sub
Sub DoOneFolder(WhatFolder As Scripting.Folder, WriteTo As Range, _
Optional Indent As Boolean = False, _
Optional FullPaths As Boolean = False)
Dim SubF As Scripting.Folder
If FullPaths = True Then
WriteTo.Value = WhatFolder.Path
WriteTo.Value = WhatFolder.Name
End If
' move the target cell down one row
Set WriteTo = WriteTo(2, 1)
For Each SubF In WhatFolder.SubFolders
' For every subfolder in WhatFolder, call this
' same procedure passing it the file name. This
' recursion spans the entire directory tree.
If Indent = True Then
Set WriteTo = WriteTo(1, 2)
End If
If FullPaths = True Then
WriteTo.Value = SubF.Path
WriteTo.Value = SubF.Name
End If

' Call ourself using SubF.
DoOneFolder WhatFolder:=SubF, WriteTo:=WriteTo, Indent:=Indent, FullPaths:=FullPaths

If Indent = True Then
Set WriteTo = WriteTo(1, 0)
End If
Next SubF
End Sub

Now, I will admit that I don’t really understand what his code is doing, at least not all of it. There’s some parts of it that is mysterious but it is not enough to stop me from figuring out how to use it. Someday, after more programming, I’ll understand it more fully.

Anyway, his code provides a solution to creating a list of folders which was perfect but I also wanted a count of the number of files. Now I’ve been doing enough debugging to notice that you can gain a lot of information if you delve into the folders found in VBA’s Local windows which shows you the folders and variables, the type, and the contents in the variables when you are stepping into the code line by line. This Local windows is very handy because it can tell you what number or data resides in the variable and that might help you determine the problem. When you open up the folders in the Locals window, you can see lots of information which can give you ideas.

Here’s a screenshot of the toolbar containing the “step through” tool which I’ve highlighted.

Snipped screen showing the VBA editor toolbar with "step through" tool highlighted

I click on that tool button and step through the code line by line.

After I step through the code line that applies the active sheet’s name to the variable SheetName, the Locals window show that name in SheetName – which in the example shown is “List”.

Snippet of VBA code and Local windows section with SheetName highlighted and its value.

Here’s an example of FolderName being assigned a name of a folder as a starting point. This folder name is pulled from the SheetName “List” and is the one that I want to create a list of folders and file count.

Snippet of screen showing VBA editor and Local windows with codes and values related to FolderName highlighted.

After I step through the code that initiates the looping through the folders, the first instance of that loop assigns the first folder to WhatFolder and you can see that in Locals window. But notice, there is a folder called Files which if you open up, you will see a variable called Count.

Snippet of screen showing VBA editor and Locals window with WhatFolder and Files highlighted.

And here’s a screenshot with Files opened up:

Snippet of screen showing Files folder opened.

Using this File and Count, I decided to try to see if I could use those, along with Chip’s program to pull in the number of files in each folder. Here’s the code I used; it is Chip’s program with a few alterations.

Sub CreateFileCount()
' CreateFolderTree
' By Chip Pearson, chip@cpearson.com , www.cpearson.com
' This creates a hierarchical directory listing tree.
' Requires a reference to the Scripting library (Microsoft
' Scripting Runtime).
Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim FolderName As String
Dim StartFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim SubF As Scripting.Folder
Dim F As Scripting.File
Dim S As Range
Dim Indent As Boolean
Dim FullPaths As Boolean

Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

'Set up
SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name

'Get first folder that you want tree created
FolderName = Sheets(SheetName).Range("W4")

Set StartFolder = FSO.GetFolder(FolderName)

' Change the reference held by S to the first cell of the results tree.
Set S = ActiveSheet.Range("B1")
' Indent = True creates an indented list showing the hierarchical nature
' of the folders. Indent = False creates a single column list.
Indent = True
' FullPaths = True lists the fully qualified directory name. FullPaths = False
' lists the directory name only, with no path information.
FullPaths = False
' Start the process
DoOneFolder2 WhatFolder:=StartFolder, WriteTo:=S, Indent:=Indent, FullPaths:=FullPaths
End Sub
Sub DoOneFolder2(WhatFolder As Scripting.Folder, WriteTo As Range, _
Optional Indent As Boolean = False, _
Optional FullPaths As Boolean = False)
Dim SubF As Scripting.Folder
If FullPaths = True Then
WriteTo.Value = WhatFolder.Path
WriteTo.Value = WhatFolder.Files.Count
End If

' move the target cell down one row
Set WriteTo = WriteTo(2, 1)
For Each SubF In WhatFolder.SubFolders
' For every subfolder in WhatFolder, call this
' same procedure passing it the file name. This
' recursion spans the entire directory tree.
If Indent = True Then
Set WriteTo = WriteTo(1, 2)
End If
If FullPaths = True Then
WriteTo.Value = SubF.Path
WriteTo.Value = WhatFolder.Files.Count
End If
' Call ourself using SubF.
DoOneFolder2 WhatFolder:=SubF, WriteTo:=WriteTo, Indent:=Indent, FullPaths:=FullPaths

If Indent = True Then
Set WriteTo = WriteTo(1, 0)
End If
Next SubF
End Sub

And it works!

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