More guns equal more deaths

Another day, another mass school shooting… this time at a Tennessee church school on Monday.

This time I’m not hearing much from the Republicans about what kind of solutions they could offer. I’m really not hearing anything but anger from those who have experienced these shootings in some fashion.

And of course, some news commentators.

The Senate chaplain did say “Thoughts and prayers are not enough.”

We’ve been having thoughts and prayers for maybe over a decade now. Out of all of the Western nations, we have the most guns and the most mass shootings; hence the more guns equal more deaths line. It’s embarrassing…except the Republicans are not embarrassed.

I don’t have any solution to this but somehow, I don’t think loosening the gun restrictions are working. The violence seems to be increasing instead of dampening down. Tennessee supposedly has one of the most permissive gun regulations in the US and also the most deaths. As a matter of fact, the Tennessee public officials were going to vote this week to loosen their restrictions even more…except it’s been postponed in light of the shooting.

Oh, how considerate of them.

Morning Joe had some pretty choice phrases about this which I thought I would record and share because they made me go, “hit the nail on the head”. The following images of the YouTube transcript came from Morning Joe’s video titled “John Heilemann: what’s the body count on Critical Race Theory?”

Using children in culture wars

Children has been used as a way of riling up the general public: QAnon pedophile conspiracy theory, banning CRT because they don’t want to make white children feel guilty, laws against gender identity because it is inappropriate to talk about sex with young children, etc.

As John Heileman says, they talk about everything else but guns.

We’re asking children to be braver than politicians

Politicians, especially one on one side of the aisle, have been pretty chicken to face up to the NRA and start putting together hard-hitting regulations to do something about the shootings.

No, we are asking children to be brave and go to school with all of the guns floating around our society.

Compare Tennessee with Connecticut

We don’t have to compare ourselves with the rest of the world (we already know the answer to that: the rest of the world does not compare – they have less guns and less deaths). We can compare the states with the least restrictive laws with states with more restrictive laws.

And we end up with the phrase more guns = more deaths.

Preferred gun of choice: AR-15

Not much to say here except: why won’t they consider banning the AR-15?

It’s a gun designed for war, not for hunting or self-defense.

History will look at this period and wonder “what the hell were they thinking?”

And I say, they weren’t.

Joe Scarborough looks to the future and imagines the future looking back and wonder what was going through our head.

I’m as puzzled as he is at the current thinking.

Gun control will not eliminate all mass shooting, but we can at least test to see if it begins the reduce the prevalence of it. The states with more restrictions seem to suggest so.

The Christmas card

This is one of those Christmas cards that have become popular within one of the party. I guess the point is to show one’s fealty to the gun.

In this picture, a Tennessee politician is posing with his family holding guns. Peace be on earth!

When we get past this era, Lord knows when, this will look silly. Glad Morning Joe is blurring the children’s faces.

A no response response to shooting

This response was made by the same politician seen in the Christmas picture in the previous paragraph.

Typically, they say it’s too early to talk about this, the time is not right. We need to get over the mourning phase.

This guy is saying, “It’s mental health!” Anything but gun control.

No, we are not going to get any resolution as long as one party is beholden to the crazies. Those group of voters are going to have to come to terms with what they are choosing.

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