Let's Talk about Creativity

Creativity in Finance

I chanced upon an FP&A site through LinkedIn. It looks like an interesting site and I will try to remember to go back every now and then. The site is fpa-trends.com. The topic about advanced data analytics caught my eye but the one the really pulled me in is the post about the ideal FP&A…

ACA Reporting

ACA Reporting

I am working on an ACA reporting project for a medium (?) sized company (the company probably has about 2000 employees – small to me) which under the terms of the IRS is considered an ALE (applicable large employer).I’m just learning the lingo and the details about reporting healthcare. For me, the language is kind of…

Martin Shkreli hailed as hero?

Martin Shkreli a hero?

I read an article by Rick Newman on February 4, 2016 titled “Martin Shkreli is actually a great guy” about, of course, the most hated corporate guy in America in 2015/2016 – the pharmaceutical CEO who price gouges the patients. There was one line in the article that stood out and it went something like this:…