On the other side of Hurricane Beryl

The first storm of this hurricane season has hit Houston, Texas on Monday as a Cat 1.

Now I can stop worrying about this hurricane as it is done with. Fortunately (?!?) it hit as a Cat 1 instead of anything worse. When it rampaged through the Caribbean, it went up to a Cat 5 hurricane. And Beryl was noted as being the earliest ever in recorded history to be a Cat 4 or a Cat 5. Typically, Cat 4 and 5s form later in the summer.

So, Houston got lucky, although I’m sure Houston doesn’t feel that way with the one two punch of the derecho in May and now the heat advisory while 1 million are without power. (The peak outage was either 2.2 million or 2.5 million, depending on who you read or see.)

Five days later, I think 1 million are still without power. At the end of today, another 400K should be getting power back on. Meanwhile, it seems like there are a lot of finger pointing going on in the news. Not sure if it’s political or CYA going on.

We are still early in the season; it is gonna to be a long summer.

One thing I want to do is compare Beryl with hurricane Ike that hit Galveston/Houston back in 2008. So tomorrow should be a day of research to see if I can get some details for comparison.

But now, I’m going to turn in and take care after a long week, maybe two weeks of worrying.

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