
I’m trying to relax during the last few days left of this year, but I’m still trying to do some planning for 2024.

Yeah, I’m being lazy, and I see all of those people who are industrious. So, then I feel like I should continue to keep producing.

One of the things I like to look at are YouTube videos on December Daily Photo Scrapbook Making by Ali Edwards. I love her aesthetic and I sometimes get visual design ideas from here.

Here are a couple screenshots of her pages, mainly the days right before Christmas:

Day 11: Making a very colorful Christmas tree.

Day 20: Love her handwriting – very organic. Also the concept of using “gauzy” paper as opposed to completely opaque or completely transparent.

Day 21 & 22: Love the dramatic simplicity of these pages.

Day 23: Again, love her handwriting. Here the idea of using cards to hold your journaling is interesting. Also, the card with the repeating word as a background is attractive.

Day 24: A common theme for me is the use of words as an artistic device. Sometimes it is a lot easier to use words instead of pictures. She is a master of using her handwriting as a design element of her work.

Day 25: Again, it’s the use of handwriting as an artistic aspect of the page. Note the “picture” sitting above the fireplace – it’s a picture of her writing.

I have thought about trying to do something like this, but this kind of stuff requires a lot of space which I don’t have. I mean, I could, but I would have to rearrange stuff to do it and then clean it back up every time I do scrapbooking. And then I would have to have space for all of the materials, supplies and albums themselves.

I decided that it’s best I don’t start.

There are others doing their legal interpretations of the day on video, showing how to apply makeup (I watch a lot of makeup videos at the moment, especially those pertaining to holiday makeup), and unfortunately, the latest on the Israeli-Hamas war.

Myself, I’m doing mostly planning, writing and reading, all related to getting ready for next year. I haven’t done as much artistic creation as much as I had hoped. I might have to do it in January so I can have a stash ready for use next year.

I’m not looking forward to next year as it is election year. People are still crazy, and some have been making noises about violence. In addition, we have the climate change to worry about. This past summer was very hot with a heat dome sitting over the middle of US. I think where there is excessive heat, people’s ability to maintain a hold on their emotions loosen and violence start to rise. So, the combination of election chaos and excessive heat (if the same or worse conditions prevail next summer) could lead to a rather combustible environment.

So, yeah, not looking forward to next year which is why I really want to relax now.

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