Personal project on learning HTML - learned that one can link to another section on same page, and about the following elemnts: br, hr, pre.

Started My Personal Project

Well, I’m going to have to temper my expectation of certain things happening. Already, some things haven’t happened as I had hoped so I may have to change my plans. For now, I’m going to progress on my personal project so I have begun reading the HTML, CSS and Javascript for Dummies. Out of that, I have already downloaded Aptana software to use when writing HTML, CSS and possibly Javascript. I gotta admit though, I’m not sure what more the software adds to the coding experience that a simple Notepad doesn’t already provide. Maybe as I go along, I will see what it can provide that Notepad doesn’t.

NOTE: In the following paragraph, due to how HTML works, I’ve had to replace all “<” with “[” and all “>” with “]”. So “[html]” should read as “<html>” but without the ” ” around them.

So far, I have learned about [html],[head] and [body] as well as other elements, specifically the line break [br], the line separator [hr] and [pre]. More interestingly, I did learn that you can see how your browser will show your web page using an html file saved on your drive rather than to your web host server. This is critical because I want to have the option of developing test pages without using this website which sits on my web host server, although I will do that too, but it’s nice to have another alternative. So now I know how to do that. In addition, I learned that you can link to a certain position on your page; I’ve always done links to other websites or another page on my own website but not to particular position on my web page. That trick will come in handy.

Tonight I want to read on adding images and other information related to media. That’s two chapters and then after that it’s CSS. So, it appears that HTML is relatively simple – this book doesn’t divulge a whole lot about HTML. I might have to get another book to see if there is more to HTML.

I have already tried the trick of looking at other web pages’ HTML/CSS codes, just to get a feel of how web pages are being structured. Those pages look way more complicated so I wonder if the complication is the CSS and Javascript code. CSS is a couple of chapters in the book so I may be wrapping up CSS next weekend and then I’ll see if those websites’ code start to make more sense.

By the way, it looks like Microsoft did another update and have FIXED MY MACHINE ISSUES! I’m not celebrating yet until I can turn on my machine without having 10 minutes of black screen but it looks like my pain may be nearing the end.

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