Surrealism: Mitch McConnell’s Act

What? Huh? What is he up to?

Okay, let’s back up. First, I saw the first day’s video opening up the House managers presentation of their facts of the case for finding Trump guilty of inciting insurrection.

It was way more violent than I had imagined. During the first few days after the horrible incident, I saw some short videos but I didn’t come away with that much violence. Yes, there were violence but it appeared there were periods of people just walking.

So, the House managers’ initial video was masterful in portraying the overall violence.

Over the course of two days, I learned that Mitt Romney and Chuck Schumer almost had a run in with the rioters, suggesting the Senators’ and representatives’ lives were much more in danger than originally thought.

Here’s a link to a site that has the video embedded in the article. It’s worth watching and worth for me to keep as historical reference.

Next, here’s an article about how the world is seeing what played out in the impeachment proceedings. Basically, bottom-line, the acquittal vote was not democracy’s finest hour although the 7 Senators who voted to convict made this proceeding the most bipartisan ever in the history of the US. If this trial was the most bipartisan, that tells me that impeachment proceedings generally fall along partisanship and has nothing to do with the specifics of the case(s). In other words, they tend to be more about politics than voting for what is right.

That’s rather disheartening.

And then finally, what the heck is Mitch McConnell doing? First, he acquits Trump and then immediately afterword, comes out on the floor to announce that Trump was “practically and morally” responsible for inciting the insurrection – so in other words, Trump’s guilty. He couldn’t pronounce Trump as “guilty” because Trump was no longer the president.

Umm, the only flaw to that reasoning is the House was ready to send the articles of impeachment before January 20th inauguration but Mitch McConnell said that he was not going to call back in the Senators from recess for a trial. Mitch helped Trump get away.

What a scumbag.

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