The Insane Defiance of the Evangelicals

I see quite a few articles about pastors defying the stay at home orders and it is just sad the level of “stupidity” some Americans have descended to. I don’t know if stupidity is the word but it is all I can come up with at this time. Some pastors are just brazenly defying the orders, not because they are ignorant of the orders but precisely because they know about the orders.

They want their religious freedom.

But with freedom comes responsibility: responsibility for your congregants and responsibility towards your community. It is obvious that having large gatherings where people stand or sit shoulder to shoulder is spreading the virus around. This virus is extremely contagious. Most pastors are complying, and thank you for that, but there are a few who are not and they are just an embarrassment to the religious community. They may become the face of the entire religious community.

I think most of the ones doing the defying are the evangelicals, so all of you evangelicals who decry what Trump is doing, get out of the evangelical church and find some other church because when we get to the other side, evangelicalism could well have an extremely negative reputation. You just don’t want to be associated with the evangelicalism.

The latest information I’m getting is coming from this video from TYT – here’s the link to copy Yes, TYT is extremely progressive but I do want to know what they are propagating and understand their viewpoint so I know where society is going.

Anyway, TYT first talks about the preacher from Philadelphia who has announced that he was going to have an outdoor Woodstock type of sermon that people from all over the nation can attend. He described other churches that are complying with the orders as “pansies”. He displays a lot of braggadocio and in the clip TYT showed where he was sitting in the car and talking, he kind of had a weird way of talking. He didn’t talk like a preacher; he seemed more like a hoodlum. This is a preacher?!? He is giving religion a bad name with his tough guy talk. I’m dubious that he is a preacher; I think he just decided to call himself a preacher.

This is a preacher?!? He looks more like a hoodlum. Snapshot from TYT’s “The REAL Reason Churches Are Holding Services During Quarantine”

The second preacher TYT brought up was even worse; the clip is embarrassing to watch. I did not grow up with this kind of behavior so the clip looks ridiculous. But even worse was the photo at the end: the preacher looks creepy. The eyes are scary and I then remember seeing “fangs” during the clip when he says “I demand…I demand…I demand”, although I didn’t think of them as “fangs” at the time until I saw the creepy photo.

I mean this is your pastor?

I don’t know if you can see the creepy eyes. Snapshot from TYT’s “The REAL Reason Churches Are Holding Services During Quarantine”.

If so, then no wonder the evangelicals have gone loopy. Just get out while you can because these guys give evangelicals a bad look.

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