Twisted Foot, Twisted Week

Okay, this week was not a good week. I’ve been working on a plan to move our macro files from Dropbox to SharePoint with an eye towards maintaining simplicity of reporting process. Most of the macro works except at the point of creating a new file and saving it: saving in SharePoint does not quite work the same way as Dropbox, even without a macro. There are too many security features.

But last week I did succeed in doing a simple save. But the area I was saving in last week was different and easier than the real location that we will be using. I finally found the location that was planned for our files – I think they finally gave me access because a couple of weeks ago, I couldn’t get anywhere in SharePoint. But this new location is different – the macro I used to save elsewhere in SharePoint did not work with the new location. There is something structurally different about this new location.

By the end of Wednesday, I finally succeeded in creating a macro to create a small file and save it in the new SharePoint location. I could use that same macro with SharePoint or Dropbox. I was making progress.

Then Thursday happened.

First, I twisted my foot while getting to my car. Oh boy, that was painfule

I could walk but I was hobbling. By the end of the day, I worried whether I would be able to get to my car.

Then, I found that the macro that worked on Wednesday no longer worked on Thursday. It kept telling me that “user was not authenticated”.

What changed? It was almost like an AI saw that someone was doing a massive collection of data from SharePoint files and thus cut my capability to use the macro. By the end of Thursday, I found a working solution. But will it work the next day?

Finally, Friday (today), I’m kind of immobilized from my twisted foot, so I won’t be able to test my new solution until next week.

I hope next week will be better.

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