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When you mix gun availability with hate speech on Fox News you get…the Buffalo mass shooting.

We are getting more and more of these mass shootings. I know the pandemic has worsened people’s ability to cope but we already had a simmering level of craziness and violence. Add on top of that the looseness of gun laws and we have a very volatile environment. I don’t recall things being so crazy when I was younger.

We’ve always had racism.

But since 2016, the bigotry and hatred has been jazzed up with the election of you know who. Those people learned that there are a whole lot of them (maybe 70 million of them) out there that are not comfortable with the changes in the US.

Tucker Carlson, with Fox News standing behind him, has supposedly put out 400 screeds about “white replacement” according to the New York Times count. If that is true, then maybe it is time to place the onus of the responsibility of all of those deaths arising from bigotry on Tucker and Fox News. I don’t know the specifics of the laws but isn’t it illegal to yell “fire” in a theater? Isn’t there a similar “fire” law making it illegal to arouse hate and violence, through repetition of certain themes such as “white replacement”?

Yes, the US has changed a lot since I was a kid. When I went to school, the racial mix was practically all white. Now I’m surrounded by a lot of blacks and Hispanics, but that doesn’t mean we should be killing them. It just means we just absorb them as American citizens and accord them with the same rights and freedoms as we have.

Tucker Carlson needs to go.

And why can’t we relieve from the Murdoch family the ownership of Fox News. I wish there was a legal theory that can help separate the Murdoch family from the ownership of Fox News and prevent them from ever owning a media company operating in the US because they won’t act responsibly to curtail Tucker Carlson or other hate mongers.

As it stands right now, America is a very crazy place to live in right now.

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