Violence is not the answer.

At the beginning of this year, I dreaded this year because it was an election year because I feared political violence.

I just wasn’t prepared for what happened yesterday.

I thought the violence would be something like the Proud Boys or such ilk fighting folks like the antifas or some intimidation at the polls. I didn’t imagine stupid boys shooting a Presidential candidate.

Violence is not the answer if you disagree with someone politically or religion-wise or whatever. This is why we have a voting mechanism – to vote our preferences in a quiet manner. Each sides argue their case in the best manner they can and then the people vote. Let the politicians do the arguing and negotiating. You just listen during election years, and you try to make judicious decision.

True, some people are stupid and do not apply good judgement which is why education is very important. Unfortunately, we will always have stupid people just like we always have people stealing or murdering.

Violence, civil wars or any kind of fighting sets back a country. You want the energy and attention to be focused on moving the country forward with good education, widespread good economic results, and liberty and justice for all. Wars of any kind hinder that.

The year 2024 is going to be a horrible year, between the scary climate change and the violence simmering in the air.

I’m working on that comparison between hurricane Ike and Beryl but 1) the data files that I pull has changed a little so I’m reconstituting some stuff and 2) it looks like detailed information for Beryl has not come out for me to use. I’m going to have to rethink a little.

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