What Robots Can Do

Well, it looks like while we were sleeping, the robot revolution progressed on. Now, robots can: read, write, see, hear and understand, speak, smell, touch, move understand emotions, play games, debate, create, and read your mind. With the exception of the last item which is beyond humans’ ken, they cover pretty much most of the spectrum of skills humans use for working. Maybe managing, imagining and making decisions are what’s left for the future, but if most humans cannot work because of jobs being taken over by robots, then there is no need for managers – at least not as many. Aside from procreating, imagining or dreaming, using judgement and displaying empathy may be the last things human do.

Right now, robots are programmed to master one thing but once they can master multiple skills… um, tell me again what skills we’re going to need in the future?

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